Merging Bibliographic Records - Published
Merging Records To merge bibliographic records together you will want to go to the Cataloging module and perform a search. If you see duplicates on that search results screen you can check the boxes next to the duplicates and click the ‘Merge ...
Suppress Bibliographic Record
Suppressing a Bibliographic Record “Record suppression” is the process whereby the library can make bibliographic and/or item records invisible in the OPAC. Records can be suppressed at either the bibliographic record level, or at the item record ...
Attaching a file to a Bib record
Attaching a file to a Bibliographic record in Koha This facility is only to be used if there are a limited number of small files to be stored. If the number of files is small and the file sizes are also small so that the total disk usage ...
How to add a new shelving location
This document outlines how to add a new shelving location to the Koha site. Step 1 - Navigate to the shelving location table Go to Koha administration > Basic parameters > Authorized values. This will take you to a new page with a table of ...