This document will outline how to set the default sort order of the saved reports table by the preferred column.
For more information on the saved reports table in general, please check our
Help Centre or
submit a ticket with any specific questions you have.
How the report table is sorted by default
The default sort order for a saved reports table will be a random selection:
How to change the default sort order
Go to Koha administration > Additional parameters > Table settings.
This will open a new page with a collapsed table of the different tables which contain columns that can be edited.
Click on the Reports section.
This will dropout a selection of tables which can be used to change the functionality of columns on the different tables on Koha.
Go to the table_reports table.
At the bottom of the table, there is a line called Default sort order.
Click the box to the right hand side of this line and a dropdown menu will appear.
This dropdown menu will contain the different options for the columns to sort the table by. This example will use report_name as the sort order. This will mean the table will be sorted alphabetically by the name of the report.
Click the preferred option to sort the table by. Click Save.
How the report table appears after resetting the default sort order
Version | Date | Detail | Author |
1.0 | 22/12/22 | Document created | Holly Cooper |
| | | |